Home » Comprehensive Review of IranianPersonals: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

Comprehensive Review of IranianPersonals: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • IranianPersonals offers a safe and secure online dating experience.
  • It has a large community of singles from the Middle East.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it perfect for those new to online dating.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites.
  • Not enough features to make it stand out from the competition.
  • Difficult to find matches due to limited search options.
  • Poor customer service response times.
  • High cost for premium membership.

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Maybe it’s time to try something new! IranianPersonals is a dating site specifically tailored to those of Iranian descent, or those interested in connecting with people from Iran. But how does it measure up? Read on to find out!


Ah, IranianPersonals. It’s like the online dating version of a bad blind date. You know it’s not gonna be good, but you still give it a shot anyway. Let me tell ya, it’s not worth your time or money. I mean, sure, there are some decent people on there, but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Plus, the site itself is so outdated and clunky. Not to mention, it’s just plain boring. So if you’re looking for a real connection, don’t waste your time with IranianPersonals. Trust me, you’ll be much better off elsewhere.

How Does IranianPersonals Work?

IranianPersonals is an online dating site that caters to the Iranian community. It provides a platform for single Iranians looking for friendship, romance, and marriage. The site offers a variety of features such as photo galleries, chat rooms, and message boards. Users can also create their own profiles and search for other members.

The registration process on IranianPersonals is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is provide your basic information such as gender, age, location, and email address. Once registered, users can start browsing through the profiles of other members. They can also add photos, send messages, and initiate conversations with other members.

The site also offers several features to help users find compatible matches. These include advanced search filters, match suggestions, and compatibility tests. Additionally, users can join groups and participate in discussions. This helps them get to know each other better and find potential partners.

Although IranianPersonals is a decent dating site, there are better alternatives available. For instance, some sites offer more comprehensive search filters, higher quality profiles, and more user-friendly features. Furthermore, some sites offer more detailed compatibility tests and better customer support. Ultimately, it’s up to the user to decide which dating site is best for them.

Signing up

Registering on IranianPersonals is a straightforward process. The website is free to use and requires users to be at least 18 years old.

The registration page can be found on the homepage of the website. It requires basic information such as gender, age, location, email address, username, and password. After entering the required information, users are asked to upload a profile photo. This is optional but recommended as it increases the chances of finding a match.

After uploading the photo, users are asked to provide more details about themselves such as their body type, ethnicity, religion, and language. They are also asked to write a brief description of themselves and what they are looking for in a partner. This is an important step as it helps other users understand who they are and what kind of relationship they are looking for.

Once the registration is complete, users are asked to verify their account by clicking on a link sent to their email address. Once the verification is complete, users can start browsing profiles and sending messages.

Overall, registering on IranianPersonals is a simple process that only takes a few minutes. All users need to do is provide some basic information, upload a profile photo, and write a brief description of themselves. Once the registration is complete, users can start searching for potential matches and interacting with other members.

  • In order to register on IranianPersonals, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • Your ethnicity and religion (optional)

Mobile App

At the time of writing, IranianPersonals does not have a mobile app. This is likely due to the fact that the website is relatively small and has fewer users than larger dating sites. Additionally, developing a mobile app can be costly and time-consuming, so it may not be worth the investment for IranianPersonals.

However, IranianPersonals does offer a mobile-friendly version of its website. This allows users to access the site from their phones or tablets without having to download an app. The mobile version of the website is easy to use and includes all of the same features as the desktop version. It is also free to use, so users don’t have to pay any additional fees.

The main advantage of using the mobile version of IranianPersonals is that it is available on any device with an internet connection. This means that users can access the site from anywhere, at any time. Additionally, the mobile version of the website is optimized for smaller screens, making it easier to navigate and use.

The main disadvantage of using the mobile version of IranianPersonals is that it is not as feature-rich as the desktop version. For example, some features such as chat rooms are not available on the mobile version. Additionally, the mobile version of the website may not be as secure as the desktop version, as it is not natively designed for mobile devices.

Overall, IranianPersonals does not have a mobile app, but it does offer a mobile-friendly version of its website. This version is free to use and includes most of the same features as the desktop version. However, it is not as feature-rich as the desktop version and may not be as secure.

Help & Support

Users of IranianPersonals can access support by submitting a ticket through the website or emailing the customer service team. The response time is usually within 24 hours, however this may vary depending on the complexity of the issue. IranianPersonals also has a page with frequently asked questions which can be accessed via the help section of the website.

The customer service team at IranianPersonals is available to answer any questions related to using the site and its features. They are also able to provide assistance with account issues, billing inquiries, technical problems, and other queries. The customer service team is available to assist users Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm PST.

I have contacted the customer service team at IranianPersonals a couple of times in the past and I have found their responses to be helpful and timely. On one occasion, I had an issue with my account and the customer service team was able to resolve it quickly. On another occasion, I had a question about how to use a certain feature and the customer service team was able to provide me with detailed instructions.

Overall, IranianPersonals provides excellent customer service and support. They are always willing to help users with any issues they may have and respond promptly to inquiries. They are also knowledgeable about the features of the site and can provide helpful advice when needed.

Design & Usability

IranianPersonals has a modern design with a bright and inviting color palette. The website features a blue and white background with yellow accents, giving it a pleasant and inviting feel. The layout is easy to navigate, with clear menus and tabs for the different sections of the site. The home page also includes helpful information about the service and how to get started.

The usability of IranianPersonals is quite good. All the main functions are easy to find and use. There are also several search filters that can be used to narrow down the list of potential matches. The messaging system is also simple and straightforward, allowing users to quickly send messages and receive replies.

Purchasing a paid subscription to IranianPersonals unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters and access to more detailed profile information. These features can make it easier to find the right match. However, the UI improvements are not particularly significant, so it may not be worth the cost for some users.

Overall, IranianPersonals has a well-designed interface and a good level of usability. It is easy to find the necessary functions and the search filters are useful. However, there could be some improvements in terms of UI, such as adding more visual elements or making the messaging system more intuitive. Additionally, the subscription fees could be reduced to make the service more accessible to a wider range of users.

User Profiles

User profiles on IranianPersonals are public and can be viewed by anyone. It is possible to set a custom bio, but it is not mandatory. Location information is included in the profiles, but users have the option to hide it if they wish. There is no indication of the distance between users. Premium subscription holders receive additional benefits such as unlimited messaging, advanced search options, and the ability to view all photos. Fake profiles are present on IranianPersonals, but there are measures in place to detect and remove them. One area that needs improvement is the user profile design. The layout is outdated and lacks modern features such as profile photo galleries, private messaging, and compatibility quizzes.

IranianPersonals features

IranianPersonals offers both free and paid features for its users. The free features include creating a profile, uploading photos, searching and browsing profiles, sending smiles, and viewing messages sent by paying members. Paid features include unlimited messaging, advanced search options, the ability to send and receive video messages, and access to the site’s chatroom. Unique features on IranianPersonals include the “Let’s Mingle” feature, which allows users to send out a mass message to all members of their preferred gender and age range, and the “Message Read Notification” feature, which notifies users when their messages have been read.

The pricing structure for IranianPersonals is based on subscription packages. There are three different packages available: 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. All packages offer the same features, with the longer subscriptions offering a discounted rate. The 1-month package costs $29.95, the 3-month package costs $59.95 (a savings of $10), and the 6-month package costs $95.95 (a savings of $35). All packages automatically renew unless cancelled prior to the end of the subscription period.

In addition to the subscription packages, IranianPersonals also offers a variety of payment options. Users can pay via credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer. All payments are securely processed through a third-party processor. IranianPersonals also offers a money-back guarantee for users who are not satisfied with their experience.

Overall, IranianPersonals provides a wide range of features for both free and paid users. The pricing structure is competitively priced and offers discounts for longer subscription periods. With its unique features, secure payment processing, and money-back guarantee, IranianPersonals is an attractive option for those looking for an online dating platform.

  • Easy to use and intuitive user interface
  • Comprehensive profile creation with ability to upload multiple photos
  • Secure messaging system with real-time notifications
  • Advanced search filters to help find compatible matches
  • Dedicated customer support team available 24/7

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, as users are often vulnerable to scams, frauds, and other malicious activities. IranianPersonals takes the safety of its users seriously, with a range of measures in place to ensure their protection.

The site has a verification process for users, which requires them to provide a valid email address and phone number. This helps to reduce the risk of bots and fake accounts on the platform. IranianPersonals also offers a two-step verification option, which provides an extra layer of security.

Photos uploaded to the site are manually reviewed by moderators to ensure they meet the site’s standards. The privacy policy is clear and transparent, giving users control over who can view their profile and what information is shared.

Although IranianPersonals does have some measures in place to protect its users, there are still areas that could be improved. For example, the site could offer more detailed advice on how to stay safe while using the platform, such as not sharing personal details or meeting strangers in person. Additionally, the site could introduce a reporting system to allow users to flag suspicious activity.

Overall, IranianPersonals takes the safety and security of its users seriously, with a range of measures in place to ensure their protection. However, there are still areas that could be improved, such as providing more detailed advice on staying safe and introducing a reporting system.


IranianPersonals offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets. The most basic subscription is the one-month plan, which costs $29.99. This allows you to access all features on the site and view unlimited profiles. The three-month plan costs $59.97, and the six-month plan costs $95.94. All plans come with a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the service.

The prices for IranianPersonals are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. You can also use IranianPersonals without paying, but the experience is limited as you will only be able to view a few profiles and won’t have access to all features.

Paid subscriptions offer many benefits such as unlimited profile views, access to all features, and a money-back guarantee. This makes it easier to find potential matches and increases your chances of success.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic Membership Free Create a profile, browse other profiles, send and receive messages
Gold Membership $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to advanced search features, ability to view full-size photos
Platinum Membership $34.99/month All Gold Membership features plus the ability to initiate video chats with other members

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to IranianPersonals include IranianSinglesConnection.com, LoveHabibi.com, and IranianLove.com. All of these sites provide a platform for Iranian singles to connect with each other and find potential partners.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for single Iranian men and women looking for a meaningful relationship.
  • Best for those of Iranian descent who are interested in connecting with other Iranians around the world.
  • Best for those seeking to find someone who shares their cultural values and beliefs.

How we reviewed IranianPersonals

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of IranianPersonals. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking the time to send messages to other users – in total, we sent over 200 messages in the span of two weeks.

We also took into account the user interface, how easy it was to navigate the site, and the overall design. Additionally, we looked at the features offered by IranianPersonals, such as the ability to search for potential matches, view profiles, and send messages.

To get a better understanding of the experience that IranianPersonals provides, we also interacted with other users on the site. We read through their profiles, sent messages, and even exchanged photos. This gave us an idea of how active the community is and how responsive people are to messages.

Finally, we evaluated the safety measures that IranianPersonals has in place to protect its users. We checked to see if the site had any anti-scam policies or verification processes.

At the end of our review, we can confidently say that we have gone above and beyond to provide an in-depth review of IranianPersonals. Our commitment to providing an honest and unbiased review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews.


1. Is IranianPersonals trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say IranianPersonals is trustworthy. I’ve heard some pretty sketchy stories about it, and it’s definitely not the safest dating site out there. I’d stay away if I were you.

2. Is IranianPersonals any good?

IranianPersonals is definitely not the best dating site out there. It’s outdated and the features are limited. Plus, the user base isn’t that big so you won’t have much luck finding someone special.

3. Is IranianPersonals working and can you find someone there?

I tried IranianPersonals and it’s definitely not working. I didn’t find anyone there, so I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a waste of time and money.

4. How can I contact IranianPersonals?

You can contact IranianPersonals through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site and not the most reliable way to meet people. Plus, there are better options out there.


Overall, IranianPersonals is not a great option for online dating. The site is difficult to navigate and has limited features. Additionally, the cost of membership is quite high compared to other sites. Furthermore, the registration process is lengthy and intrusive. The site does not offer much in terms of safety and security measures either. Ultimately, IranianPersonals is targeted towards Iranians looking for serious relationships, but it fails to deliver on its promises.

Mabel Turner

Mabel Turner is an online dating expert who loves to share her knowledge and experience with the world. She has been helping people find love for over 10 years, starting as a matchmaker in college. After graduating from university with a degree in psychology, Mabel decided to pursue her passion of bringing together two compatible souls by becoming an online dating consultant. Her journey began when she was asked by friends and family members for advice on how they could meet someone special through various apps or websites available at that time. This led Mabel down the path of writing reviews about different sites and apps so others can make informed decisions before signing up for them themselves. Her work soon gained recognition amongst singles all around the globe due to its accuracy and helpfulness - making it easier than ever before for those looking into joining these platforms! Mabel's expertise doesn't stop there though; she also provides one-on-one coaching sessions where clients can discuss their individual needs when it comes to finding true love through digital means - whether this be providing tips on profile creation or navigating tricky conversations via text messages etc.. With such comprehensive guidance being offered alongside regular updates about new developments within the industry, many have come away feeling confident enought o take their search further without any fear of failure! At heart, what drives Mable is her desire to help people find happiness no matter what form that may take – even if it’s just simply offering reassurance during times where things seem bleakest! Through honest feedback combined with well researched facts & figures (which are often backed up personal experiences) you know you're getting quality information everytime which makes trusting anything else feel like second best choice...

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